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What to pack for a desert safari Dubai tour?

Having essential items and wearing the right clothes while traveling will make you have a pleasant travel experience. Especially when traveling to areas with special weather and environmental conditions, such as the desert.

Desert safari Dubai is a very exciting and enjoyable trip for every visitor, but it is important to know what to pack When planning a desert safari in Dubai. You should avoid bringing unnecessary items that are cumbersome and bother you; instead, bring essential and needed items that increase your comfort and safety on your trip. If you have no experience traveling to the desert and don’t know what to pack for a desert safari, we will guide you further.

Factors you should consider when packing for a desert safari in Dubai

Before starting any trip, think ahead and pick up the necessary items. For this, you should consider some points.

Whether and environmental conditions

The desert is hot, and the sun is scorching during the day, but it changes a lot at night and turns cold. Wind and dust may also bother you. Bring the equipment and clothes needed, such as light clothes, sunglasses, hats, sunscreens, etc. Also, suitable shoes for sand walking are essential.

Type of Activity

Desert Safari Dubai has various activities, and you should pack appropriate equipment according to the activity you want to do. For example, for sandboarding, you should Wear clothes that allow you to move freely. And if you are sensitive, bring your glass, spoon, and fork for eating. If you want to participate in sports activities such as quad biking, carry a waist bag and put your valuables like your phone in it.

Local laws

When traveling to any part of the world, we must respect that region’s cultural sensitivities and local laws. Some countries, like the UAE, have strict dress codes. There is some sensitivity to women’s clothing in Dubai. It is advisable to wear clothes that conceal both your shoulders and knees. If needed, bring a shawl or scarf to cover your head.

packing for a desert safari Dubai

Necessary items to pack

You should pack the items that make you more comfortable and safe during the desert safari in Dubai. Travel as lightly as possible, but bring necessary Items with you. Items like:

suitable shoes

In the desert, you have to walk on hot sand and pebbles. It is important to have the right shoes for walking in the desert. Sands are very irritating and may cause injury to your feet. Also, desert safari activities may cause blisters on your feet if you don’t have suitable shoes. It is better to use closed and safe shoes. Boots are also suitable for this. Sandals and slippers are not recommended at all because they provide minimal coverage.


It is very necessary to have sunglasses in the desert because it protects your eyes. Sunglasses make you see better in strong sunlight and protect your eyes when there is dust and strong wind.

Light clothes

Light clothes made of natural fibers will keep you cool in the desert. Loose clothes are much more comfortable. Short-sleeved clothes and shorts are not suitable because the sun will damage your skin. Also, bring a jacket because it gets colder in the evening.

Sun protection

The desert sun burns and damages your skin. Also, the desert air is dry, and dry winds cause dryness and damage to the skin. It is essential to bring moisturizer and sunscreen. Appropriate clothing, sunglasses, and a hat will also protect you.


I recommend that you bring your camera or phone with you. Record the enjoyable moments you have on the desert safari in Dubai. Take pictures of the natural scenery of the desert and the beautiful sunset. Try to enjoy this trip as much as possible so that the Dubai desert safari becomes a pleasant memory.


Don’t forget to bring a brimmed hat. Facial skin is very vulnerable to sunlight, and a brimmed hat protects your skin from the desert sun.

Water bottle

The heat of the desert and the Desert Safari Dubai sports activities will make you sweat a lot, and you will need a lot of water. Bring a water bottle to quench your thirst and stay hydrated.

Waist bag

Waist bag is very useful in desert safari Dubai. You can put your things such as your mobile phone, wedding ring or keys in your waist bag so you don’t lose them. However, it is best not to bring your valuables on a desert safari.

Other essential items

Bringing some snacks will give you enough energy to do desert activities. You may need insect repellent to get rid of annoying desert insects. You need a soundproof bag to carry all the necessary items. Extra batteries and chargers for the camera, shawl and scarf, stockings, and tissue are essential for a desert safari Dubai tour.

desret tour

What should you wear on a Desert Safari in Dubai?

The most important thing to pay attention to in the desert safari in Dubai is to wear the right clothes. The right clothes make you comfortable during the trip and prevent possible injuries. Consider a few points when choosing clothes for a fun adventure in the desert.

Color of clothes

Wear light-colored clothes as much as possible because light colors reflect heat, but dark colors absorb heat.

comfortable and practical

Avoid wearing tight clothes that make it difficult to move. Try to wear comfortable and practical clothes. Inappropriate shoes will hurt you. Clothes made of unnatural fibers such as plastic do not absorb body sweat and are unsuitable for the desert. Stretchy clothes are suitable, such as sportswear.

camel riding

Wear pants for camel riding because wearing shorts will make you feel uncomfortable. Sandals or flip-flops are not a good choice, and wearing close-toed shoes is better.

dune bashing, sandboarding, quad biking

The best choice for dune bashing and sandboarding activities is light and comfortable clothes that allow you to move easily. Light pants or shorts, a T-shirt or long-sleeved shirt, and closed-toed shoes or boots are suitable.

Bring something to tie your hair, and avoid wearing high heels shoes if you have long hair. Sportswear is the best choice for sports activities in the Desert Safari Dubai.

desert hiking

When hiking in the desert, you must protect yourself completely. Boots or closed-toed shoes are the best choice for walking on rough, sandy desert ground. Wear light clothes with natural fibers such as linen or cotton that are cool and absorb sweat. A shawl or scarf can be a good choice. Also, wear a hat and sunglasses.


As we said, it can get cold in the evening in the desert. Wear warmer clothing, such as a jacket, during evening desert safari activities. You can also wear several layers of clothes to avoid getting cold.


In the desert safari Dubai, dinner is usually served on carpets on the floor. Even in some camps, everyone is sitting to watch the dance. Therefore, Choosing clothes that you are comfortable in while sitting on the floor is better. For example, a short skirt is not a suitable dress, and it is better to wear pants.


What are the essential items to pack for the desert safari Dubai tour?

suitable shoes, light clothes, sunglasses, sunscreens, hat, camera, water bottle, waist bag, snacks, tissue, insect repellant, sand proof bag, extra batteries and charger for camera, shawl, scarf, and stockings are essential items for desert safari Dubai tour

What should you wear on a desert safari Dubai tour?

 The best choices are light clothes made of natural fibers such as linen and cotton. Wear clothes that are easy to move in. Closed-toe shoes and boots are suitable for the desert.

Can you wear shorts on a desert safari in Dubai?

Shorts are unsuitable clothes for the desert because the sand may cause discomfort during desert activities. Also, shorts do not provide full coverage for your legs, and you may get injured

What kind of shoes to wear on a desert safari Dubai tour?

What kind of shoes to wear on a desert safari Dubai tour?
Open-toed shoes, sandals, and flip-flops are not suitable for desert activities because the sand will become annoying when walking. It is better to wear closed shoes or boots.

Does it get cold on a desert safari in Dubai?

Yes, the desert is hot during the day, but it gets colder in the afternoon when the sun sets. We recommend you bring warm clothes such as a jacket.

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